Thursday, November 30, 2006

Smells like the Nile.

Vaca de Fogo

Madredeus- Portuguese music from 1987.

Love can be more violent than a bullet


Anestesia geral

A maioria das pessoas que conheço, ou que vou ouvindo e lendo, ficam em pânico quando alguém lhes pergunta a sua opinião sobre determinado assunto, por mais prosaico que seja. Repare-se na forma eufemística como tanta gente avalia um tema hoje em dia, preferindo dizer "Não desgosto de", "Não acho mal", "Não me parece muito errado", "Não é completamente correcto", "Não sou totalmente a favor", "Não concordo inteiramente com", e por aí fora.Em todas estas expressões, o advérbio de negação que inicia, triunfante, o discurso daquele a quem é pedida uma opinião, funciona como uma armadura contra o "perigo" da assertividade. E depois os advérbios relativizantes, cuja única função é minimizar os "estragos" e impedir uma vinculação total com aquilo que, a medo, na verdade se quer mesmo afirmar. Imagine-se o diálogo posterior:- Mas você não disse que era contra?- Não, se reparar bem, o que eu disse é que não era totalmente a favor, o que é bem diferente.- Ah, com certeza. Então estamos de acordo.O problema de se usar expressões "neutras" não é o barroco das expressões em si, mas o facto de essa neutralidade ser sinónima de uma necessidade absurda de não ofender ninguém, isto é, de se ser políticamente correcto em todas as frentes. Ora, quando se emite uma opinião - sobretudo em questões determinantes - é bom sinal que alguém se ofenda, pois essa é a maior evidência de que a nossa opinião, além de claramente expressa, foi entendida como uma posição clara, uma manifestação de valores e ideologias que nos definem. E é isso, afinal, que fazem os opositores quando se deparam com alguém que não soube defender o seu lado da barricada com lucidez e determinação: arrasam vorazmente os delicados adverbiozinhos e as boas intenções do adversário.Assim, a abolição do politicamente correcto como analgésico contra futuras controvérsias é absolutamente vital. Ao dizer de forma honesta e vincada que "sou contra", "acho bem" ou "está errado", espero reacções, contraditórios, discussões pertinentes e inflamações epidérmicas. Sem relativismos, sem escudos, sem anestesias.
Jesus and Mary Chain - Sometimes Always


This is the table!

The sports fans dream!

A Little story to start the day

Macbeth (fragmento)

(...)Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death.
Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more.
It is a taleTold by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.(...)

William Shakespeare (1564? - 1616)"Macbeth", Acto 5, Cena 5

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blonde Redhead-Melody

Briliant band!

A true rebel

Some more neighbors

The Specials - Ghost Town

Do you remember the good old days?

Em Santo Tirso ficava a minha casa branca.

Casa branca
Casa branca em frente ao mar enorme,

Com o teu jardim de areia e flores marinhas
E o teu silêncio intacto em que dorme
O milagre das coisas que eram minhas
.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
A ti eu voltarei após o incerto
Calor de tantos gestos recebidos
Passados os tumultos e o deserto
Beijados os fantasmas, percorridos
Os murmúrios da terra indefinida.
Em ti renascerei num mundo meu
E a redenção virá nas tuas linhas
Onde nenhuma coisa se perdeu
Do milagre das coisas que eram minhas.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919 - 2004)"Poesia I", 1944

obvious connections

My neighbors...Well some one elses neighbors.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Triumph Des Willens -Triumpf of the Will -Triunfo da Vontade

beauty is beauty, no place to moral on that camp!

Don't hever say rock is dead!

Pete doherty playing for is fans

The Clash!

The Beatles - Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Some surrealism please!

Porque estas coisas devem-se planear em vida!


Quando eu morrer batam em latas,

Rompam aos saltos e aos pinotes,
Façam estalar no ar chicotes,
Chamem palhaços e acrobatas!
Que o meu caixão vá sobre um burro
Ajaezado à andaluza...
A um morto nada se recusa,
Eu quero por força ir de burro.

Mário de Sá Carneiro (1890 - 1916)


The most beautiful constitution 2

The most beautiful constitution

bauhaus--ziggy stardust

Peter Murphy is a true rocker!!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Francisco de Zurbarán


Francisco de Zurbarán

São francisco em extâse

Poetry, if you don't know Portuguese try and learn it (we are the land of the poets!)

Em todos os jardins

Em todos os jardins hei-de florir,

Em todos beberei a lua cheia,
Quando enfim no meu fim eu possuir
Todas as praias onde o mar ondeia.
Um dia serei eu o mar e a areia,
A tudo quanto existe me hei-de unir,
E o meu sangue arrasta em cada veia
Esse abraço que um dia se há-de abrir.
Então receberei no meu desejo
Todo o fogo que habita na floresta
Conhecido por mim como um beijo.
Então serei o ritmo das paisagens,
A secreta abundância dessa festa
Que eu via prometida nas imagens.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen (1919 - 2004)"Poesia
I", 1944
The Walkmen - We've Been Had

Brilliant video brilliant band...america still does it
Ai que prazerNão cumprir um dever,Ter um livro para lerE não o fazer!Ler é maçada,Estudar é nada.O Sol doiraSem literatura.O rio corre bem ou mal,sem edição original.E a brisa, essa,De tão naturalmente matinal,Como tem tempo não tem pressa...Livros são papéis pintados com tinta. Estudar é uma coisa em que está indistintaA distinção entre nada e coisa nenhuma.Quanto é melhor, quando há bruma,Esperar por D. Sebastião,Quer venha ou não!Grande é a poesia, a bondade e as danças...Mas o melhor do mundo são as crianças,Flores, música, o luar, e o sol, que pecaSó quando, em vez de criar, seca.O mais do que istoÉ Jesus Cristo,Que não sabia nada de finançasNem consta que tivesse biblioteca...

Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935)in "Poesias", Lisboa, Ática, 1952 (Colecção Poesia)

The two sides of the same species

Is she a Woman?
Are they males?

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Jesus & Mary chain - April skies

Well i'm going to Lisbon for 4 days, and problably i will not post anything in between. To alleviate the pain I leave you with one of the most depressing and beautiful bands of all time!!

The Inutility of art

If all the art is useless...

I won't share you

I won't share you
I won't share you
I won't share you
with the drive
the ambition
and the zeal I feel
this is my time
as the note i wrote
was read, she said
has the Perrier gone
straight to my head
or is life plainly sick and cruel, instead?
I won't share you
I won't share you
with the drive
and the dreams inside
this my time
Life tends to come and go
Well, that's ok
just as long as you know
life tends to come and go
Well, that's ok
just as long as you know
I won't share you
I won't share you
With the drive and the dreams inside
this is my time
this is my time
Música: The Smiths
Álbum: "Strangeways, here we come"
The old dream
Young Folks

Peter, Bjorn & John - nordic music from Sweden.


João bezugo

Firts muslisms, now Africans, have you tried on Asians?

Storm over 'pig-for-name' artist

A Ugandan minister has condemned a Danish artist as "racist" for persuading villagers to adopt his name in exchange for a pig or a goat.
The criticism comes as an exhibition of Kristian Von Hornsleth's photos from the village of Buteyongera opens in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.
Hornsleth, however, says he is trying to help the villagers by highlighting the failure of international aid.
The exhibition is called: "We want to help you, but we want to own you."
"After 50 years of Third World aid, Africa is still poor," Hornsleth told the BBC's World Today programme.
He said his proposal to the villagers was an example of free trade, which left the villagers better off.
But Ugandan Ethics Minister Nsaba Buturo said the idea was "demeaning" and "racist".
"He is playing on the plight of some of our people by telling them a lie - by giving them a piglet, they will come out of the poverty he says they are in," the minister said.
Hornsleth says that 100 villagers already have identity documents with their new name and a further 207 are having them processed.
He says that eventually, he would like the village to change its name.
"We are mirroring things which are happening at a higher level - how we treat each other, the Western world and Africa."
Hornsleth says the Ugandan villagers are aware that they are making a statement and denies exploiting them to gain publicity for his exhibition.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger

Rock n' roll!!!

Juan de Váldes Leal

Alegoria da morte 1672

Two girls?



Beautiful girl,beautiful picture by John William Godward
Frosty the Snowman

Now the winter is coming.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cut Chemist feat. Hymnal

The Amazing new single from DJ SHADOW!!!!

Indians and cowboys

Hey you cowboys, surrender or else...
In the City
Metro Crisis
Mike Bloomberg has been kidnapped and the rest of the city is threatened—by the cutest gang of lovable forest-sprite fairy thugs to ever take New York hostage. TODD LEVIN attends the ransom hearing.

People of New York and members of the local media:We are holding your mayor hostage. And if you do not adhere to our every demand, he will die, your beloved metropolis will be subjugated to our merciless reign of terror, and in the pages of history—written in the blood of the proud and the foolish who defied us—will be our name: the name of New York’s most notorious gang of street thugs; the name that, following this brief conference, will heretofore be invoked only as a fear-choked whisper upon trembling lips. I swear to you as I stand before you all, regard us with anything less than gravity and fealty and you will rue the day you underestimated the cold-blooded ruthlessness of the Frazzleberry Dumpling Gang!I will continue when the laughter ceases. I am waiting. Yes, yes, go ahead and laugh now but, mark my words, the last laugh will belong to the Frazzleberry Dumpling Gang. OK, great. Here we go again. Ha ha ha. But as you laugh, consider this: Does the condemned man laugh as he feels the hangman’s noose tighten about his neck? Does the lobster laugh as it is lowered into the pot? Does the Jub Jub Bird laugh as the rapacious Greedlebug, with razor-sharp pincers extended, suddenly emerges from the Gummi Patch with a predatory leap?I see your laughter has given way to puzzlement—or is it just a paralyzing fear that holds your tongues fast? OK, I just heard someone yell out, “Puzzlement!” so we’ll just go from there and I’ll take a few questions before listing our demands.We strike fear in the hearts of the ordinary and the besieged and, whenever the occasion presents itself, the Frazzleberry Dumpling Gang steals freshly baked pies cooling on windowsills.Where is your mayor, you ask? Well, now it’s my turn to laugh. Let’s just say His Honor is in a safe place far from here, well beyond Lemondrop Falls, past Sweetie Pie Valley, across the Delicious River, and deep, deep—impossibly deep—within the twisted licorice brambles crisscrossing the Forest of Tickletime, right near the abandoned sanitary napkin factory. Perhaps I’ve already said too much. Next question!OK, a two-part question. That’s unconventional but I will allow it. Why haven’t you heard of any of these places and creatures, and what are these spellbinding shiny objects hanging from my gang jacket? OK, first part: Mind well that your ignorance of these things does not disprove their existence. For example, no one has seen the fearsome Greedlebug in captivity, yet it continues to terrorize the ever-peaceful Clan of Cuddlemore, with its thousand yellow eyes and enchanted breath that sours Fiddlemilk at 50 paces. I assure you, even without photographs or any physical or scientific evidence pointing to its existence, for the frightened Cuddlemore clansmen and -women, the Greedlebug certainly exists…in here. And yes, I’m pointing to the area on my body where the Clan of Cuddlemore’s hearts are said to be located. I apologize if this gesture appears lewd to you.And these shiny items on my jacket, which have piqued your curiosity? They are jingle bells and geegaws. Next question, please.Yes, you. It’s two “z”s and “frazzleberry” is one word, no spaces. In fact, it’s spelled exactly like “razzleberry” but preceded by the letter “f.” And I’m sure our typical gang activities and acts of felonious disorder are no different than your own Crips or Bloods or One-Eyed Jacks. The Frazzleberry Dumpling Gang fights like urban gladiators. We strike fear in the hearts of the ordinary and the besieged and, whenever the occasion presents itself, the Frazzleberry Dumpling Gang steals freshly baked pies cooling on windowsills. Yes, that was us. Did you think it was a fox?Next! Yes, you, over there waving a kerchief—oh, that’s your hand? Really. You’ll forgive me, I hope, but what a bizarre looking thing. If you don’t mind me asking, are you missing all of the bones in your hand? No? Well, that’s what it looks like when you wave it about like that. Truly fascinating…and your question? Ah, proof. Well, as you can see one of our junior members is passing around two items of proof. The first is an image of your mayor. You’ll notice he is unharmed, for now, and seated comfortably on a toadstool. He is also holding a copy of this morning’s edition of the Butterscotch Gazette. And yes, I realize it is not a photograph but I think you’ll find the sketch rendered with great skill, and bears a remarkable likeness to His Honor. The female wood sprite perched on your mayor’s shoulder, playing a lute, was a bit of artistic license—obviously, this tableau could never exist in reality because female wood sprites are forbidden from playing the lute by the Decree of Kewpie Doll Council. The second item I hold in my hand. It is the mayor’s own copy of TV Guide magazine. I realize the mailing label is addressed to “resident” but the address itself is simply not up for dispute.Now, our demands. Listen carefully. A helicopter. A Delorean. An enchanted school bus made of peanut brittle. Twelve unicorn steaks. A massive effort in social reform, including stronger enforcement of rent stabilization laws for pre-war, multi-unit residential toadstools. A bag of glitter. And we demand that you change the name of the United Nations building to the Frazzleberry Center for Conflict Resolution and Taffy Time. If these demands are not met within 48 hours, your mayor will die! And many of you will be turned into snails or crickets. And the rest of you will be raped. Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to loudly invoke our gang’s credo of valor, and then we will all disappear in a small, self-contained tornado. All that will remain will be the chilling memory of our threat seared into your collective subconscious, and a delicious cake with Ping-Pong Fruit frosting, as is customary when entertaining guests. Now heed these words: “With ruthless cunning and heartless guile, the Frazzleberry mission is to defile. From Sleepy Peanut Hollow to the shores of Tumbletown, no woman, man, or pie is safe as long as we’re—” OK, NO MORE LAUGHING!
hello, so will you ask?
Camera Obscura - Lloyd I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken

A response to Lloyd Cole's question - are you ready to be heartbroken?
On grey days go to a cafe and read

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Saga

The saga
A problem, becomes a problem
When you let down your friends
When you let down the people
When you let down yourself
Oh, and only fools, vultures and undertakers
Will have any time for you
A problem, becomes a problem
When you lie to your friends
And you lie your people
And you lie to yourself
And the truth's too harsh to comprehend
You just pretend there isn't a problem
I am a pimp and a slave
I dig my bed you dig my bed
I dig my grave
And the truth's too harsh to comprehend
You just pretend there isn't a problem
No no, i ain't got a problem
It's you with the problem
Música: The Libertines
Álbum: " The Libertines"

R.I.P. Ferenc Puskas - A great player!

A Montanha Mágica - Thomas Mann
For Lovers

This is for lovers!

Cartoons, let's burn embassys!

A good story

Poles discover their Jewish roots
By Adam Easton BBC News, Warsaw
Under Nazi and communist persecution, the few Jews who remained in Poland sometimes hid their identity, leaving a surprise in store for their descendants.
Pawel works in the kitchen of a kosher restaurant in the heart of Warsaw's growing Jewish community, near the 19th Century Nozyk synagogue, a Jewish theatre and cultural centre.
When he was younger, he used to be a skinhead.
"I am from a Catholic family. I was baptised. My parents are still Catholics," he told me.
"When I was a skinhead, I used to go around saying: oh, those Jews, look at what they've done.
"It was madness because we didn't know anything about Jews or Jewish culture. It was just slogans - like Jews Rule the World, Jews are Bad.
When I looked into the mirror I asked myself: why should I be a Jew? Pawel
"When there was a black person in the street, we used to chase him. If we caught him, we did what we did.
"A young person always needs to find an enemy and we found this enemy in Jews, blacks and Gypsies."
Six years ago, Pawel made a discovery that turned his life upside down - he found out that he was Jewish. His parents had turned their back on Jewish life and they had never told him about his background.
"When I looked into the mirror I asked myself: why should I be a Jew? It was the biggest shock of my life. It was really a huge blow. For most of my life I hated them. It was too much to take in at once."
New path
Pawel decided he wanted to know more about Judaism and he started attending the synagogue.
Now 30 years old, he is trying to lead an Orthodox lifestyle, but it is not always easy when he wears his skullcap on the streets.
"I put on a hat but it doesn't help much because I still stand out with my beard. People stare and turn around. Sometimes they say: look there's a Jew. But, I don't find it offensive. I used to behave like that."
Pawel has not been able to meet some of his old friends because he is afraid of how they would react. He did not want to be photographed.
But his parents are proud that he and his wife, who is also Jewish, are raising a Jewish family, even if his mother and father do not want to return to the faith.
"I told my Dad it would be good for him to go back to Judaism but he said he is so used to the Church it would be difficult for him. This is their choice, there's no point in forcing it - I just want them to be happy."
Warsaw was once home to the largest Jewish community in the world after New York.
But 90% of Poland's Jews were murdered by the Nazis during World War II. The majority of those who survived decided to emigrate after suffering repression under the new communist authorities.
But since the collapse of communism in 1989 people have felt free to talk about Jewish life and the country's Jewish community is undergoing a revival.
Many Poles were brought up as Catholics and only later discovered they were really Jewish or had Jewish ancestors.
At the Nozyk synagogue, which stands almost hidden beside grey communist-era tower blocks and modern glass skyscrapers in the centre of Warsaw, Poland's chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, leads the daily prayers.
Officially there are just a few thousand registered Jews in the country. Some estimates suggest there could be up to 30,000 people with Jewish roots.
We hope that they will remain Jewish and they will keep their Jewish education Rabbi Pavlac
"It's far more common than people realise. It's probably in the thousands at least," he says.
"We have had support groups and certainly people have been shocked. Those who come and begin to learn about what it means to be Jewish - in some way, at some level, end up at peace with it - or at a liveable level of peace with it.
It is not simple, it takes a lot of patience and I really stand in awe of these people because I don't know if I could do what they have done."
First steps
In Warsaw's Jewish school, a class of four-year-olds take their first steps as young members of the Jewish community.
Here they will get a good general education but they will also learn about Jewish life, culture and Hebrew.
"We hope that they will remain Jewish and that they will keep the Jewish education they received here in our school and, in the future, they will get more interested in any kind of Jewish life," the school's director, Rabbi Mati Pawlak, explains.
"Whether they choose to be religious or non-religious - they will stay with us as a community," he adds.
Like many others here, 29-year-old Rabbi Pavlac only discovered he was Jewish when he was a teenager. He has just become the country's first Polish rabbi in 40 years.
Many people believe the Holocaust killed off Jewish life in Poland but people like Pawel, Rabbi Pawlak and the 240 pupils at this school are proof that it is slowly coming back to life again.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Pogues And Kirsty MacColl Fairytale Of New York

The best Christmas song ever!
Navigating to the dark.
No destiny, sometimes i found myself there
in the fog.

Cartoons, food for your mind


Estava eu sossegado a almoçar quando de repente uma voz me distrai. Estaria a ficar esquizófrénico? Estaria a ceder à loucura? Não, nada disso estava a ouvir o telejornal.
Enquanto a minha mãe teorizava, fastidiosamente, sobre o direito dos padres serem casados,eu divertia-me a reparar na voz absurda do padre que falava na televisão. Para variar, a minha mãe faz-me uma pergunta, que eu invariávelmente a faço repetir, visto não estar a ouvir uma palavra que fosse e foi nesse instante, de momentânia atênção ao que a minha progenitora teria de tão interessante para me dizer que a voz se fêz ouvir.Mando calar a minha mãe para melhor ouvir a voz, algo que me obedece fácilmente, esperando ouvir comigo alguma tragédia de telejornal.
A voz que ouvia parecia-me a de Salazar, talvez um pouco mais grossa, a entoação era defenitivamente igual. Mas qual não foi o meu choque quando reparei que a voz que ouvia era a de Sócrates!!!
E não é que ouvindo a voz de Sócrates sem ver a imagem este se assemelha ao nosso ex-paizinho colectivo? Ironias do destino, it's all coming back to me now!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Death of a disco dancer

Death of a disco dancer
The death of a disco dancer
well, it hapens a lot 'round here
and if you think Peace
is a common goal
well, that goes to show
just how little you know
The death of a disco dancer
well, i rather not get involved
I never talk to my neighbour
I'd just rather not get involved
Love, peace and harmony?
Love, peace and harmony?
Oh, very nice
very nice
very nice
very nice
...but maybe in the next world
Música: The Smiths
Álbum: "Strangeways, here we come"
Dimitri From Paris - Une Very Stylish Fille

A very stylish french band!

Cartoons a very nobel form of art

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Echo & The Bunnymen - The Killing Moon (vídeo)

Para todos os amantes da noite, da lua e dos videos não muito produzidos.

Diferentes espiritualidades

Quem está ao contrário?

Il papa al piano